Friday, January 8, 2010

Seven Signs Of Aging My Seven Year Old Daughter Has Signs Of Tooth Decay.....?

My seven year old daughter has signs of tooth decay.....? - seven signs of aging

We went to the dentist today and said that she has cavities' I am appalled. He said it was obvious that the brush well, because it placu (cleaned twice a day for her) said it was probably on food, but it's only once a week, sweets and eat very healthy fruits and vegetables fees two glasses of squash, but not too tight, I know that they should not drink water, but they do not and I can not make it drink it. (She had many urinary tract problems in the past, it is important that she drinks lots)

What should I do, I can not with the idea of the need for fillers such a young age.


tertiahi... said...

I have had the fillings when I was little, too. Not only that sugar (often in soft drinks, candy, juice, and) almost all commercial foods, but the strengths are possible culprits. In turn starch into sugar in the middle of the mouth, then potatoes, pasta, rice and all of May eat in good health has a negative effect.

In addition, brushing often with outside help, the teeth, dental floss, but can really only remove plaque between them.

It is very important to try to drink as much water as possible. (I'm sure it's a struggle though.) This is it out of his mouth and make it a less favorable environment for the bacteria in plaque.

Good luck!

Cheryl said...

My niece, the same age who cooks the same problem, everything on this Mexican candies that the child likes, a lime in their gnawing teeth. Does your daughter love lemons or limes, whether this is the source of decadence. He also said he does not like something, I'm the same way, but now may be a day to be added to water, flavorings, add enough to it some flavor. I found that if I treat the water, which can process through the filter in the refrigerator. The class that water and ice in the refrigerator has. Good luck!

Cheryl said...

My niece, the same age who cooks the same problem, everything on this Mexican candies that the child likes, a lime in their gnawing teeth. Does your daughter love lemons or limes, whether this is the source of decadence. He also said he does not like something, I'm the same way, but now may be a day to be added to water, flavorings, add enough to it some flavor. I found that if I treat the water, which can process through the filter in the refrigerator. The class that water and ice in the refrigerator has. Good luck!

Cheryl said...

My niece, the same age who cooks the same problem, everything on this Mexican candies that the child likes, a lime in their gnawing teeth. Does your daughter love lemons or limes, whether this is the source of decadence. He also said he does not like something, I'm the same way, but now may be a day to be added to water, flavorings, add enough to it some flavor. I found that if I treat the water, which can process through the filter in the refrigerator. The class that water and ice in the refrigerator has. Good luck!

Kit said...

I had to do for my daughter. How filled honestly probably the best way to avoid them. As you know, some diseases are not (able to handle only the best hope) Good with signs of caries is reall his only No. 1 do. As you said you would not drink water and it can not be compelled to do. Try a substance that is not evaluated sugar in a little water a better taste. In any case, I recommend filling.

Keep brushing!

~ Kit

pimp_knu... said...

So you have to brush your teeth, or watch what you eat, but they must fill. Give you observe a lesson, what you eat and things. but if it kept a good girl brushing her teeth, and so try to be easy to prevent most, it.

Thankyou... said...

Fluoride water? If you can help the dentist. Unfortunately, all the teeth are not the same .... There may be one of those who for various reasons (no fault), bad teeth.

istitch2 said...

After caries after 7 years is not the end of the world. Do not be like they could be. The treatment of dental caries. At the age of 7, he has to worry for her teeth. You can, who did a good job, but she is old enough to do yourself.

It just glad that we are not a child, have the two teeth and three toppings, 5 years - my little son, who has had a problem with very soft teeth and other dental problems. And they clean twice a day. Some teeth are not as strong as others.

Jen said...

Perhaps only has deep grooves in the teeth, so that it starts very difficult to properly clean, no matter how you brush your teeth, and a main point of decay. It is is a problem I had when I was younger, but when does my dentist that I) (after my first set of fillings that my wheels is manufactured in another and for product labeling realized early on them before the break had the chance to start.

You also give your child nuts? Because it is very rich in sugar and tend to stick to the teeth, especially things like raisins. Change the pumpkin with sugar free, so I can help you.

Sorry to be completed, if still so young, but unfortunately you can not do anything to come the demise of the company, and soon fills actually less painful it must be for them, and I hope that the experience is gained "not so bad. Good luck.

Stick said...

Investment in the teeth .... They are sealed. Some insurance companies will pay for it ......

Stick said...

Investment in the teeth .... They are sealed. Some insurance companies will pay for it ......

Stick said...

Investment in the teeth .... They are sealed. Some insurance companies will pay for it ......

Sufi said...

If you trim the cavities which it. you get used to the idea. Perhaps she is eating things (in school or kindergarten) who do not know it. the consumption of sugar-free drinks than water (with a little Splenda articificially) sweetened or stevia. I'm no expert, but as my child's teeth. it was hereditary. the weakness of the paint on the father of the family.

cather20... said...

Does your dentist sealents propose? to a fluoride supplement?

FC said...

Some people seem to be the teeth naturally softer than others. You can try to put a special coating on molars, in order to avoid holes.

Mea said...

Is your child's adult teeth or milk teeth decay, in the hope that they will have more babies soon be replaced and my dentist, my son has a toothpaste with high fluoride content in it, how could their teeth cavities in them, but it turned out form, as their teeth, toothpaste for children that is paid at the age of 10 years because their teeth are ready to make.

I would try to drink her daughter to diluted juices without sugar, it is clear that caring for their teeth and really not your fault, my sister 3 years, had two molars, because of decay are removed, however, was his problem, he received drugs for his heart problem.

I hope you have a good out of history.

Stumbles said...

Ask your family dentist! went skool answer to these questions a little!

Denise W said...

This is not the mouthwash wonderful "hold" show your teeth, get when you brush the placu.
[remember the Red chewing chips if we] learned to paint, too.

Sonic Care Get your toothbrush or "Firefly" everyone has properties that help clean the teeth to improve.

Sad, but true need a cavity filled, unless the Denite said is not important, you will lose your teeth in adults. We still have to be the best way to find your aid.

Best wishes for the MOM. All you can do is the best. Genetics has a lot to do. If you have a bank, get into place.

practica... said...

... really make a difference West Virginia is not the half of ******. Do you have water? I truly believe that fluoride helps in treated water. Drink lots of juice and pop? I think she drank too much water. in the urine were things happen. Or they have to learn to love, or you can use lemon doctor ... or something.

herbal ashtray said...

Try the pumpkin varieties without sugar, fruit juice is also a factor in tooth decay, and the combination of natural sugar and acid, the tooth decay and many people that can cause all this off, because it is healthier than Coke, so to avoid degradation can, if changes in diet and will quickly fill your needs is not so deep, halting the decline increasingly recognized by the dark, often black, the decline is generally an active, white limestone, brown.
Fillings children are not as spectacular as the nature of the appropriate adult, and is usually only a bucket of decay and the application of a cream as a garnish.

pinhed_1... said...

West Virginia

mumoffou... said...

Looks like they already have a good job, keep what you do and what to eat to brush your teeth after eating too much, to hidden sugars can cause the problems to.

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