Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Much Will Geico Insurance Increase After Accident Car Accident And Should I Report To My Insurance?

Car accident and should I report to my insurance? - how much will geico insurance increase after accident


I had a car accident this morning.
A truck delievery was great to try to merge in my way and hit me back on one side. But he will not admit that it was his fault.
I have not even tried to talk to him.
The police waited 40 minutes and when he arrived, he told us that the exchange of insurance information.
We can also report the policy.

1) Can the police refuse to give me report to the police?
2) The driver of the truck came in my path, and press towards the motorway junction and start now too. It is in the nature of white solid in my tracks. This main street.
It gave me a car in front of me and go slow when it hit me.
Or maybe you have not seen me since my car is small and swim, old Honda Prelude.
Is it my fault?
3) It was no damage to its front bump truck.
But my car has a damage. I am pleased to get my insurance to Geico report.
This increased rate in the future?
I'm with Geico for almost 10 years and this is no accident.
Should not report? since my rickety old car.
The car feels good.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you very much.


mbrcatz said...

1. Police did not give a report at the scene. It should come later. Typically it takes several days for the report submitted, and then you can get. Normally there is a fee for her less than $ 20.

2. Probably, if your lane ended and merged into your lane, do not try and speed, "" cut, but slower, the accident is your fault. If it speeds up (and damage to his car to his car and shows you exactly two places when he started), its effect, then it's your fault. The police did not establish guilt. But if the damage is backtracking from his car and the front of his car, is probably your fault. But will the front of the vehicle and the back of a truck, probably reduced by its debt.

3. If there is no damage to his car and no collision coverage, it is unnecessary to Geico, IMO report.

4. Do not change the trace of a solid white line, with caution. So that part is irrelevant. But if trYing, then into the street, chances are your fault. The point is, if you do not have the collision of the car with GEICO will not try to help you get the insurance money from the other type. They must try to make your own arrangements.

Apples to Apples said...

If the damage in a certain amount of say $ 1500, then it is obliged to submit to the insurance and the police to enable them to exchange insurance information in order to calculate costs for the repair. If he is not willing to resolve this without involving insurance companies and finally the file with my insurance company. It can affect your price, but it really depends on where you live, and the insurance laws in this state.

manny f said...

if they do not appear cost less than 500. But the police can not always reject a report. Thats why they are there, and that's why they pay taxes. You may need to send the report to pay for your insurance. But nevertheless, it is possible that your insurance Awil for filing a complaint and a lawsuit against the other driver

jlf said...

Tell your insurer. If you have a complaint with them or not depends on you, but you should still report it.

Sophie B said...

If a claim with your insurance or not ... Required to report, and that the contact with the insurance of the truck drivers insurance co ... Your request for an agent of the police report ...

It's part of what they paid for ....

just me said...

Go to the police for a copy.
When the police to check whether your insurance company know that you had an accident.

just me said...

Go to the police for a copy.
When the police to check whether your insurance company know that you had an accident.

SexyC said...

When you register your car down, so. If you live with the damage to keep it secret to avoid increases in insurance premiums.

nancy g said...

is whether the police report to their advantage .. You can report to the police should not be a problem. Reports, so you can get your car when having imposed fixed.and someone who can make the greatest esteem and you use your car for less and keep certain bits of your money before the game A. I have been in some accidents and havent had GEICO insurance, but I know that my insurance has increased accidents. and had my insurance to pay for it and leaned back in figure.if you do not think you can go to try to do with the insurance, reduced by that driver call the company works to be said that in an accident really want is not going to throw the insurance, but you want your car fixed when you is settled with the insurance company .. hope that some thishelps

PeanutNa... said...

You can visit the police station and obtain a police report, which cost a few dollars. I was in an accident and that is what he should do.

Looks like it was his fault. The police report if you have an appointment.

If less than $ 500 in damage, which no one knows.

What is your deductible? If the damage is less than what you have to pay, then I will report. Can take your insurance, because they believe that, as part of the fault to be there. It is not fair, but how it works.

Mama to Henry and Pammy said...

The police will have to find a copy of the report at the police station and you will receive a copy, it takes a week or longer before they are ready, not on the website. If he, in his lane, was clearly not his fault. I would like to report on it and your insurance is your policy for the contact and get to know all the details. When you register for the first accident, the police and point out that this is not your fault, your prices are not increased. However, I emphasize that some money so that you increase repair your car.

keomaxiv said...

Sometimes the police will not report when someone in the accident, which probably does not indicate why one has been harmed. Even if you have good insurance agency that will fight for you, then we have nothing to fear. If you can afford (for now, the right to vote) down to your car (old or who does not need), then do it because when you examine who is at fault will likely be reimbursed for them. This would be the best time to see if your insurance is really good, or not. Because if it your fault, then he should fight for you, and it shows. You must be able to do only the record, no license other persons and the name and address and the name of the insurance company and the people, the research from there to find out what is the policy number. Hope this helps and good luck and do not give in all, for it was not your fault and you're the one to repair his car.

No Name said...

Reports of the police take a few days. What do you go is the police on Friday and his name. If the police took them both in the insurance and licensing means that the preparation of the report.
If this is not your fault, you should read the chart. It must then immediately the other types of insurance for the payment of damages. If no insurance to cover damages or if the police are not a police report case (which is strange, very wrong), then call the police every time your car is parked and who to report a different issue, saying only that You have found your car parking (parking in a large shopping mall) and ask them to write a REPET say so ( "hit and run) If you receive any information from anyone, you can go to the police and is a reprint of your repoet data. If you go with your own insurance, they will increase their prices to the future!

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