Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rules What Rules Or Guidelines Are Necessary In Relationships?

What rules or guidelines are necessary in relationships? - rules

What are the rules do not speak (or) that you in your relationship? Or do you think rules are important for a successful relationship? Former members did not go with the opposite sex. What do you think is not good / good?


vietreun... said...

All that said, what is communication is the key relationship is absolutely correct. My five core values are communication, honesty, trust, attention and respect. These are values that my mother and I are close to my heart. I have my girlfriend and took him to her account.

You can have any kind of relationship without communication is therefore a need for any relationship, if any friends, family, lovers or anything. Honesty is also crucial to the relationship and needed to be honest with the person. If you are honest with someone, it can not be trusted. If you have five core values, I think everything is there. If you have no connection, the relationship falls apart and you start, things that may or may not be true. Under the assumption that things are a cause of death in all our relationships. Never take things. Always ask to see the person, whether something is true or not.

An unwritten rule is clear that no deception at all, which means no sex with the opposite sex. Depending on who his peasantshe is, would not some kiss on the mouth, but some would not mind. Some people say that sleeping with the opposite sex, as long as you say not about sex, okay, but some of that is fraud. I think, going to lunch or dinner with the opposite sex is fine, as is love, love them. A good example would be to go to lunch with a colleague or supervisor. Please note that your partner should be the number 1, and no one will always be about your partner, with the exception of the family. If you believe in God, he should have the same # if not religious, 1 as I do.

In a healthy, strong, everything should be between equal partners. You need the bill if they pay two to go, but you must pay the bill next time. That is what I think. Equal participation and responsibility and concern for others. We are absolutely jeopardize the partnership with them, because none of you, what the other wants, or sometimes like. They must learn to sacrifice for the beloved, and both mustBut no way in a relationship. If you are in a sense there is something wrong with the relationship.

vietreun... said...

All that said, what is communication is the key relationship is absolutely correct. My five core values are communication, honesty, trust, attention and respect. These are values that my mother and I are close to my heart. I have my girlfriend and took him to her account.

You can have any kind of relationship without communication is therefore a need for any relationship, if any friends, family, lovers or anything. Honesty is also crucial to the relationship and needed to be honest with the person. If you are honest with someone, it can not be trusted. If you have five core values, I think everything is there. If you have no connection, the relationship falls apart and you start, things that may or may not be true. Under the assumption that things are a cause of death in all our relationships. Never take things. Always ask to see the person, whether something is true or not.

An unwritten rule is clear that no deception at all, which means no sex with the opposite sex. Depending on who his peasantshe is, would not some kiss on the mouth, but some would not mind. Some people say that sleeping with the opposite sex, as long as you say not about sex, okay, but some of that is fraud. I think, going to lunch or dinner with the opposite sex is fine, as is love, love them. A good example would be to go to lunch with a colleague or supervisor. Please note that your partner should be the number 1, and no one will always be about your partner, with the exception of the family. If you believe in God, he should have the same # if not religious, 1 as I do.

In a healthy, strong, everything should be between equal partners. You need the bill if they pay two to go, but you must pay the bill next time. That is what I think. Equal participation and responsibility and concern for others. We are absolutely jeopardize the partnership with them, because none of you, what the other wants, or sometimes like. They must learn to sacrifice for the beloved, and both mustBut no way in a relationship. If you are in a sense there is something wrong with the relationship.

Briajuan... said...

Important factors:
1. Trust
2. Commitment
3. Loyalty
4. The ability to have fun

I think it is important that care more about making love, crazy as having sex.
I think it is important to trust your partner, and show no jealousy.
I think it is important to remind people that you mean something. This could be by something more fun to be achieved, or gifts.

But more importantly, have fun.
Smile and laugh until you can not stop.

mommy_of... said...

I have no rules.
ensure that everything works and the other person if you have any questions or concerns about custom others do. and communication is important in every respect. If you make a mistake and that you know is wrong if you really like the person that you eat, say what the other person the truth. Hope this helps

Nicho said...

So tonight, my friend, I will see after two weeks because the work was very busy. I came to her, eating her wet and worked during the dinner to say what I do with it when you return home.

Along the way, I begin to yawn. Instead of going to a garage in the parking lot, I pull into the courtyard of his house, so sad with this, because he knows there is nothing to deal happen. And make no mistake, she looks upset, and the warm bed, a real cumslut behind closed doors.

In any case, I can say is sexually frustrated. Moi? I told him that I work to get up early, so he was still sexually frustrated. I kiss him, and go. Two minutes later my phone rings. It's her. She asked: "Did your interest in me?", I answer: "Of course not, baby!" Then I'm wrong, there is a police car in the lane next to me and hang up.

I love this ***** is to check!

Guys, keep hand that w (ores.

Nicho said...

So tonight, my friend, I will see after two weeks because the work was very busy. I came to her, eating her wet and worked during the dinner to say what I do with it when you return home.

Along the way, I begin to yawn. Instead of going to a garage in the parking lot, I pull into the courtyard of his house, so sad with this, because he knows there is nothing to deal happen. And make no mistake, she looks upset, and the warm bed, a real cumslut behind closed doors.

In any case, I can say is sexually frustrated. Moi? I told him that I work to get up early, so he was still sexually frustrated. I kiss him, and go. Two minutes later my phone rings. It's her. She asked: "Did your interest in me?", I answer: "Of course not, baby!" Then I'm wrong, there is a police car in the lane next to me and hang up.

I love this ***** is to check!

Guys, keep hand that w (ores.

Nicho said...

So tonight, my friend, I will see after two weeks because the work was very busy. I came to her, eating her wet and worked during the dinner to say what I do with it when you return home.

Along the way, I begin to yawn. Instead of going to a garage in the parking lot, I pull into the courtyard of his house, so sad with this, because he knows there is nothing to deal happen. And make no mistake, she looks upset, and the warm bed, a real cumslut behind closed doors.

In any case, I can say is sexually frustrated. Moi? I told him that I work to get up early, so he was still sexually frustrated. I kiss him, and go. Two minutes later my phone rings. It's her. She asked: "Did your interest in me?", I answer: "Of course not, baby!" Then I'm wrong, there is a police car in the lane next to me and hang up.

I love this ***** is to check!

Guys, keep hand that w (ores.

You got CM Punk'd said...

Never Say ur partner who can or can not be friends ... thats just mean. clear that when a friend of the opposite sex, you have offended or if they spend more time with them ...
uh ... If you had to pay with u if u start, u should do something for him, where they remain underground, you should see the use of the U, but check out what they (unless ur favorite shows) will see an offer to give him and drinking so ... decided that an unwritten law
to a certain time together during the week .. if u say 3 nights a week ... U want to hang one night and read it later, sure, but if not u can not really crazy
and if one of U consists of something, the other will be regarded as very useful

leslie k said...

The first is to always be honest and true. No telephone or game ended. Too many people are friends of the opposite sex who are just friends ask to meet for the first time. If you do not go hand in hand or arm. And always be polite to the other to know where you are.

Mr.AdViC... said...

Hello Hello ladies well.
If U Think U should be standards in terms of their relationship have ..... Evil must be free and open-hearted .. u should not force, as did his u .......
Into account all speak freely ....
go if u like ur opposite sex or Don wit ... Do not think that they think something ........ ru relationship really say if I do not want to leave himself free ....... understnd or if they r true .......

Catherine B said...

Respect and always communicate. That is all. Every day, every situation and all other aspects of the relationship as different as the weather. Rules of work in general.

Annie J said...

The first rule is Communicatio. If you do not you do not relashioship healthy. If you then all communication will be established.

Just Dance said...

I think every relationship is different, but things are not good, there is no indication that sexuality

Eddie M said...

If I ever doubt that always get rid of. I spent a year with someone who could not stand because it hurt, because they were afraid of them good, but boring.

peanut said...

Always be honest. Do not go with other girls, do not watch or comment on other girls when I am around ...

luckypuc... said...

In fact, only one: Honesty

uh said...

Dont Lie. with fraud. and give only the time you want, and you want to return.

uh said...

Dont Lie. with fraud. and give only the time you want, and you want to return.

Anonymous said...

Give and take and maintain two-way relationship

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