Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dyslexia Writing My 4 Yo Is Learning His Numbers. He's Writing Them All Backwards (i.e. His 3 Looks Like A Big E). Dyslexia?

My 4 yo is learning his numbers. He's writing them all backwards (i.e. his 3 looks like a big E). Dyslexia? - dyslexia writing

My son is in Jr. Children (3. year in kindergarten) and learned to write their numbers and letters. He practices at school and at home, but has recently begun to write their number 1 to 7 in the back. Could be a symptom of dyslexia? When people heard it said that it is and others say it is a myth (spelled backwards). If he is dyslexic, I want to be aware of this and help as quickly as possible. My husband was diagnosed with dyslexia, when after graduation. There were problems at school and it's a shame not to help when he was young. Thank you!


hayesatlbch said...

While it is still on the early side to say, your family history would indicate a watchful eye is necessary.

If that is the only indication I wouldn't worry.
Are his speech and language skills normal? It is always a good idea to show children by example that reading is important by reading to him, talk about the stories and let him see you reading as an enjoyable experience.

Mustards... said...

MYTH. The most common is dyslexia Re misconception investment letter or a word or words and phrases that danced on the page.

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability and neurological origin. Most notable are the difficulties with the word-recognition and control and the exact spelling and writing skills of decoding. It is a disorder in one or more of the processes in dealing with language that was spoken and written, and show that lack of ability to listen, read, think, speak, write and spell and even in mathematics.

In 4 years (and more), but occur very frequently. His qualities as a mother is certainly not well prepared to fulfill these tasks, give it take some time. There is more to dyslexia than the words of Scripture and the number back, but seeing that her husband is certainly hard to learn something because it is narrow, is hereditary is.

Prepared for the moment to read and write, you must exopsure the written word. I like working on concepts of print. Make sure you know that reading from left tor right, the familiarity with books on the front and back is by imitating the reading to be considered before reading. The best thing that we do listen to him read it, the reading of the model and the correct use of the word. They let you print, even if you are scribbling notes for you and your family. This allows you to understand that words can be written, and later by himself or someone else to read. Read to your child .... is one of the most important things to do for him.

PraiseBo... said...

In the case of 4 * a way to diagnose dyslexia early writing as numbers or letters backwards. Of course, you should keep an eye on him, so he actually apply dyslexia. However, it is not uncommon for children to write some letters and numbers to back, until the second year.

Warren Peace said...

Take him to a rehabilitation center when they are old enough. I am dyslexic and if it sounds like it might be, but we do not know until you try.

Warren Peace said...

Take him to a rehabilitation center when they are old enough. I am dyslexic and if it sounds like it might be, but we do not know until you try.

Lily H said...

Four is too early to give a definitive answer to dyslexia. I understand your concern about the difficulties of the man in the school. I realized that I, "said recently:" If you feel comfortable, we have tested by a specialist who deals with dyslexia. Be prepared to say that it might be too young and may need to be retested. In the meantime, I hope they do not pressure him. He has to be four years and his work of the child. Learning is not always easy, and children who are forced at a young age and they rebel big time when they grow up.
Take care.

slushpile reader said...

I have something similar until the age of 6 years. My parents are still talking about how they are worried. But I'm certainly not even remotely dyslexic. Only an eye on him, and that know their teachers know that your concerns so that they take to see the characters and (I, in preschool?). Good luck!

Missy154 said...

It is to say, as early as possible. I'll let you know, have in all the years of teaching 3-6YR old private school, I met not one, not a digit or letter in the reverse direction. Now I want to worry about. Give him some time. It's Learn:)

tjserene said...

It may, but need not be. My daughter is left handed and started the same way. I was very interested and asked my friend whos son was dyslexic and he said to send the number of copies and then maybe it is. She is 5 and sometimes even as his name in the mirror, but it will be less. Most children grow out of it. I would say that they give one years and if HES is still help, because it tuff in school children with dyslexia.

Shaakesp... said...

When I learned to write my numbers and letters, I have returned a lot of them. And today I have dyslexia. I was just a slow learner. I've heard that many children these things like this to ruin that. And it was not long before I corrected.
I say it is too early to discuss what could be discussed. But I would say is that common symptom of young children to write things right.

Mizz Zero said...

Dyslexia can be hereditary. I have some interesting information here: ...

klm said...

I want to write the correct way to strengthen, but the fact that many children in writing up to 2 degrees 3 a.m. to 5 p.m. back. I go and even beyond.

Larry W said...

It is entirely possible. But imagine looking for a book of symbols that are not familiar. Then shall be said, you have to close the book and write some symbols. You can come back.
Ask your teacher. Ask the test.

T1psy Ch1cK said...

4 years? what do u expect? give him time! I bet hes good!

HW said...

It is quite common that children in this age of some numbers and letters (to write back as 3, S 5, L, etc.) Talk to your teacher and tell you.

My nephew had the same problem, and preschool teacher told us that this is normal. In fact, the problem was.

EC Expert said...

Four Paws, many continued to write, and normally I would not do. However, there is a genetic component to dyslexia May had a little more cautious. Talk with your professors and ask if they share his concern assessment.

jarg said...

Most children do not "mirror writing" when learning first.
It is most common among left-handers, although the son of 4 laterality is not fully defined.
I do not recommend the correction, and perhaps encourage you to read, play with numbers.
Learning is always easier (and funnier) through games.
Good luck!

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