Thursday, January 7, 2010

Appraisal California Home Buying A Foreclosed Home. Help!?

Buying a Foreclosed Home. Help!? - appraisal california home

We are in the care of the house of the employer. During the evaluation of the inspection, we learned that the house would not be eligible for FHA, with a maximum of 2 years CERT. We sent 5 different roofers, examine them and all were in agreement that could, given the age and condition of the roof not confirm, and recommend a new roof.

The bank had already booked credit repair $ 3K, but we ask the bank to pick us up the cost of replacing the roof of approximately ($ 9000). We presented our request to bring in for repair, with quotes from 3 different contractors for asset management in Arizona (we are in California) ... How long does it take to get an answer? Has anyone in this situation? How does the work for you?


godged said...

As a rule, to the lender repairs. But of course, can not deny, terminate your contract and continue to accept comments.

golferwh... said...

This could be the borrower the option of having your vacation or replace the roof, so he can sell

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